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How To Become An Action-Taker

Today, I want to help you optimize (I just love this word) your ability to take action on those decisions.ConfidenceConfidence is something that most of us probably battle to keep at a consistent level. It goes up and no sooner does something happen and it takes another dip.I have been struggling with being confident myself.

My key lesson: You have to start with the right mindset but also solidify your beliefs through real-world action.

You can’t think yourself into being confident long term - but its the start.
Here are some keys to try and build it and keep it at a more consistent level.

Change Your Inner Dialogue
Nobody has ever abused you more in your entire life than yourself.

That’s right.

You are probably your worst enemy sometimes.
You would never talk to someone else the same way you talk to yourself.We do this over and over, talk ourselves down.

Stop trash-talking yourself.

Become aware when you do this, and then start to fix it immediately.
Without awareness, you can’t fix or change anything.The thoughts will still come so let it and then replace them as quickly as you can.Honor your imperfections - everybody has them.

Honor Your Commitments
Do what you say you are going to do, especially the small things, not just the big things.This is what I meant in the introduction - you have to take actionAt first, you are not going to do everything so try and do at least 50% of it.

The more you follow through, the more confidence you will gain which will lead to many changes in all areas of your life.
Your subconscious mind takes strain every time you don’t follow through.

Just show up for yourself and be impeccable with your word.

Push yourself despite being afraid
Successful people aren’t fearless either.
They feel the fear but have learned to stop listening to it.Knowing your fears shows you the edge of your comfort zone.

Use this as your compass to grow.

Fear is the physical manifestation of your comfort zone.
It is showing you that you are in the right place.Instead of leaning back, you need to lean into it. Feel the fear but do it anyway.

Kaizen Mindset
Focus on going just a little bit further than normal.Just do 10% more.Life is about getting better every day.Nothing will lead you to a more fulfilling life.You’ll not only finish, but you’ll also go a little further than stopping just before your goal.Stack your wins
Do this throughout the day, especially the little things.
Start stacking from the moment you wake up.

Gain momentum - especially in the morning
Don’t hit the snooze button.

Make your bed.

Pack your clothes away.

Each of these stack up - small wins.

Win more than you lose.

Stop ‘dealing with it later’ because they add up to losses.

Little actions get you closer to the person you want to be and take you closer to your goals.
Thanks for reading!Tobi

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I am Tobias and I help entrepreneurs, content creators, and knowledge workers to:

  • Overcome addictions and bad habits

  • Get more done in less time

  • Improve their well-being and emotional resilience

  • Manage stress and prevent burnout

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